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I'll probably be finishing The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson tomorrow. I'm 93% through right now. Honestly though, unless something goes horribly awry in the last 7% I can tell you right now that this is a phenomenal book. It gets a strong recommendation from me. Mix a great premise and world with brilliant characters with flaws and strengths and tense relationships.

I #AmReading The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson as April's #BrownAjahsBookClub pick
The multiverse business is booming, but there's just one catch: no one can visit a world where their counterpart is still alive.

Enter Cara, whose parallel selves happen to be exceptionally good at dying--from diseases, from turf wars, from vendettas they couldn't outrun.

But on this earth, Cara's survived.

Morning, shop.
Just stumbled upon the #7Books to get know me thing, and it sounds fun, so I'll give it a shot:

#TheHitchhiker'sGuideToTheGalaxy by #DouglasAdams.

#LordsAndLadies by #TerryPratchett

#AmericanGods by #NeilGaiman

#Binti by #NnediOkorafor

#TheSpaceBetweenWorlds by #MicaiahJohnson

#SaintDeath'sDaughter by #C.S.E.Cooney

...but I could probably do a separate thread just with #romance books to be honest. Anything written by #AlexisHall

#Bookstodon #books #reading @bookstodon